The thicker and updated WWE World Heavyweight Championship from Figures Toy Company was part of their next generation line of replicas. See it here in great detail!
The World Heavyweight Championship underwent a series of changes over the 11 years it was used in World Wrestling Entertainment. This replica is modeled off one of the final versions of the big gold before it was unified with the WWE championship in 2013. Since the original WCW version of the big gold, the stones were increased in size, the floral etching was widened giving it more of a swirl look instead of a sparkly look, the strap was completely altered, one of the wrestling fixtures on the main plate was mirrored, and the WWE logo was added, among other alterations.

Interestingly enough, the 4mm version of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship is still shown on the WWE shop under the product page for the 2mm version. While the measurements are mostly the same, the plates are thicker, the etching is deeper, and the main plate is made out of a zinc alloy instead of stainless steel!

The main plate measures 12.6 inches wide by 11.34 inches tall, and each side plate measure 5.75 inches wide by 3.98 inches tall.

All three plates have a great curve to them, making them appear TV accurate. However, since the strap is so stiff, the strap doesn’t really mold into the side plates. The main plate looks terrific, however!

The crown on the main plate is completely smooth behind the false diamonds. All the extra pieces–the crown, the globe, and the four wrestlers–are screwed to the three plates.
Moving down to the globe fixture, this piece actually looks as if it’s welded on because the sides blend into the main plate. Furthermore, the globe looks more recessed when compared to the globe of the WCW Championship from the WWE shop. The globe on the 4mm version might even be a millimeter thinner than the crown. The horizontal lines appear to be 2D etched within the base globe fixture, and the continents are just slightly raised over the base globe piece. These continents are smooth rather than textured, yet they are slightly wavy to mimic topography.

At the bottom of the main plate is the nameplate of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. The nameplate measures 3.75 inches wide by 1 inch tall and is removable and engravable. Pre-engraved nameplates can be purchased from the Wrestling Super Store, the home of Figures Toy Company products, the original maker of WWE championship replicas.
The strap itself is made out of polyurethane. It is a stiff material meant to display the belt as a trophy, not to replicate the flexibility of the leather seen on TV. The front is black with seashell tooling around the edges of the entire belt, and the backside has a light-red croc backing. Measuring 51.7 inches wide by 11.81 inches tall by 0.20 inches thick. The Official Figures Toy Company patch is sewn onto the red croc backing, alongside an official WWE holo sticker. The 4mm big gold I received had a very light red croc backing.

This 4mm WWE World Heavyweight Championship from the Figures Toy Company is a fantastic replica. Unfortunately, they stopped making them. They are much harder to come by and much more expensive than the typical big gold. If you do happen to find one, make sure it’s authentic and grab it right away!