Hylian Homeowner

Hylian Homeowner is a side quest in The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild that allows Link to purchase his own home. The house and quest is located southwest of Hateno Village near the Firly Pond.

Walk around the backside of the house and speak with the man in pink. His name is Bolson, and he will tell you the village wants to tear down the vacant building. He will sell the house to you for 3,000 rupees and 30 wood bundles.

Wood can be obtained by chopping down trees and then chopping the fallen trunks. Head to any forest to do this. The wood bundles can be found in the materials section of your inventory.

Return to Bolson and give him the 30 wood bundles and the 3,000 rupees, and the house is yours! Bolson will even throw in a weapon mount for free. Completing this part of the quest will allow you to start From The Ground Up side quest.

You will quickly notice your house is bare. To turn the house into a home, you will have to purchase some furnishings from Bolson. The items include gear displays – weapon mount (x2), bow mount (x2), shield mount (x2); installations – bed, lighting, door; and house exterior – a sign with my name, plant some flowers, plant trees. In total, you will need 1,200 rupees to buy everything.