See the Fandu Big Gold side by side with the Fandu Luxe. Both are the dual plated gold and silver versions of the replica with a Ric Flair nameplate on a brown strap.
This high-quality, textured, 3D etched Big Gold World Heavyweight Championship replica was manufactured by Fandu. See the high resolution pictures of the dual plated big gold on a brown strap here.
This early 2000s version of the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship had a massive domed globe and two faux diamonds. See in great detail how this replica from Premier compares to other replicas.
The very first replica licensed by WCW back in 1998! This WCW World Heavyweight Championship by the Figures Toy Company has seen better days but still has incredible detail.
The domed globe, the ten pounds of gold, the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship is a legendary belt, and this ultra deluxe replica by figures toy company is magnificent!