Getting into manga September 2, 2019Everyone knows and loves anime, but we must not forget about the manga that came before. Jane Watson...Otaku Articles
Apocrypha: The Legend of BABYMETAL Review July 5, 2019A visual novel about the origin story of BABYMETAL, but is it any good? Here is a review...Otaku Articles
Pokemon Adventures Manga Box Set Review August 29, 2016The Pokemon Adventures Manga is a great value, but there are some mis-steps in this box set. Here’s...Otaku Articles
More Anime Categories March 2, 2016I’ve added even more categories, but they’re still a big vague....Site Updates
What is Shotacon? January 31, 2016What is Shotacon? A controversial subject in this edition of the Otaku Encyclopedia....Otaku Encyclopedia
What is Lolicon? January 31, 2016What is Lolicon? A controversial subject in this edition of the Otaku Encyclopedia....Otaku Encyclopedia
What is Majokko and Mahou Shoujo? October 5, 2015Have you heard of Majokko or Mahou Shoujo? This post will tell you exactly what these terms mean....Otaku Encyclopedia
What is Shipping? September 27, 2015It’s a popular term in any fandom, not just with Otaku. What is Shipping?...Otaku Encyclopedia
What is Harem? September 13, 2015A common term is the otaku world. Do you know what Harem means?...Otaku Encyclopedia