The Sword Art Online Kirito Figma 174 is getting rare, but is it worth the increasing prices?
This Sword Art Online Kirito figma by Max Factory has a handful of parts to give you a number of customization options. You can see a few examples on the back of the box.
This figure stands at 13.5 cm tall. The joints for this figma are located at the neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, waist, hip/legs, knees, and ankles.
The bottom of his coat splits into two so the legs can be set in even more poses. Holes can be found at the top and lower parts of his back. The figure is mostly a hard plastic, but the part of the pants around the crotch and the top parts of the shoes are more of a flimsy rubber or plastic. They can be moved around while posing.
The top hole on his back is for one of two connectors that hold the sword sheaths. One connector will hold one sheath, and the other connector will hold both sheaths at the same time. It’s best to slip the sheaths in while the connector is not connected to Kirito’s back. The bottom hole is for the base arm.
This figure comes with even more changeable parts. The standard parts are two separate faces, which can be changed by removing the front of the hair, and three more sets of hands. One of the sets of hands is slightly closed to hold Kirito’s two swords. Be very careful when putting the swords in the hands; the swords are very fragile and can snap at the scabbard like mine did!
The two swords can be placed inside two big plastic pieces to make it look like they’re being swung quickly. I worry about the weight of these pieces since the swords are so thin and fragile. The swords can also be placed inside the sheaths, which can be connected to Kirito’s back as I mentioned earlier.
And that’s all there is to the Sword Art Online Kirito Figma by Max Factory. It’s really great since there aren’t too many good Kirito figures out there. However, they stopped making this figma and they’re becoming increasingly rare and expensive. As the price increases, it’s hard to recommend a figure with such few parts.
But if you’d like to buy one yourself, grab it off of Amazon using my link below. If you use my link, I’ll get a small kickback to help power my website and YouTube channels. Don’t worry, it won’t cost you anything extra!