This is my favorite time of year. 🙂
What’s up everyone. You may notice a few changes around my blog. This is to get into the spirit of my favorite time of year! I may do so for other seasons too, but October, Autumn and Halloween are my absolute favorite! I just placed an order on Amazon for a ton of Halloween Blu-Rays :). Unfortunately, it seems like October has been getting hotter and hotter over the past few years. I remember having to get a sweater and cuddle up to go outside. The past few years, I’ve been sweating in whatever costume I may have been wearing!
But I digress. I may switch up the background image over the month. If anyone has some recommendations, feel free to say them. Of course, superficial changes won’t be the only Autumn and Halloween-Esq things around here. I plan to write a few Halloween blogs as well. I just hope work doesn’t prevent me from doing so. How do you all feel about Halloween? Do you love to be scared, do the scaring, or just dress up and eat candy?