Mito Natsume created 13 different music videos for the same song, and it’s pretty cool.
Months back I came across this really catchy Japanese song with a cute anime music video. It’s called 『前髪切りすぎた』, which roughly translates to “I cut my bangs too much.” I saved it to my music playlist on YouTube and would re-play it every now and then. Today I went back to that music video for the first time in at least three months and saw it has been blocked!
I did a quick Google search and found that Mito Natsume (the girl who sings this song) opened up an official YouTube channel in March of this year. Since then she’s been uploading a number of music videos featuring the same song, including that anime one I love! At this time there are 13 different music videos with the same song that have been uploaded between 7 months and 3 months ago.
Some have way more views than others, and some have better like to dislike ratios. A few even have clips from the other music videos, like the one above. I don’t know if she’ll be uploading anymore since the latest video is a completely new song entitled “8-Bit Boy.”
This is the first time I’ve seen so many different music videos for the same song. No matter which way you cut it (pun intended) it’s still very catchy. What are your guy’s thoughts on having so many videos for the same song?