There are many different kinds of replicas available of the 2014 WWE Championship from the WWE Shop and specialty belt manufacturers. Which championship belt replica is best for you and your price point?
This year I began buying and collecting WWE Championship belt replicas. I noticed there are numerous types of replica belts at different prices, so I began writing down the differences as I delved deeper into the world of collectible belts. As I searched for more information to compare the different WWE Championship replicas, I ran into other buyers who were just as confused as I was. I hope this article clears up the confusion and helps buyers know which belt is best for them.
Kids Toy Championship
Kids toy championship belts are the cheapest version of all wrestling championship belt replicas, and is called a kids belt or toy belt because they are cheap replicas often bought for children. The plates are made completely out of plastic, the jewels are solid plastic, and the strap is made out of a cheap plastic and cloth-like material. The kids championship belts from over a decade ago had straps made out of a foam material, similar to a nerf ball or some pool toys.
The plastic plates are held onto the strap by plastic screws, and the authentic stamp can be found on the back of the right plate for the newer belts or on the back-center part of the belt for older foam belts. The strap can fit around a 34-inch waist and is held together by a Velcro patch. The velcro patches are glued onto the main part of the belt.
Brand new kids championship belts can be purchased for around $20-$25 at various retail outlets like Walmart and Amazon and the official WWE Shop. Older kids belts will increase in price over time.
The recent kids version of the WWE Championship has a front plate measuring about 6.4 inches tall. The 2014 WWE championship kids plastic version is shown above, but the newer 2017 WWE championship kids version has a sewn in velcro patch instead of a sticky one, and the jewels are made out of plastic that is separate from the main plastic plate.
Mini Championship

Mini championship belts are a tiny, 12-inch version of the full sized replicas. The plates are made out of a zinc alloy, the jewels are made out of plastic, the strap is made out of polyurethane (pleather), the plates are held on by metal screws, and the metal snaps will keep the belt closed around your wrist or arm. The authentic patch is sewn on the back-side of the belt.
These mini championship replicas can be purchased from the WWE Shop and the official WWE Shops on Amazon and eBay for $50-$70.
Commemorative Championship / Jakks Pacific Belt
Commemorative championship belts are of similar style to adult replica belts, but are made with cheaper materials. The plates are made out of PVC plastic that shines almost as well as metal, and the strap is made out of a faux leather material with metal snaps that can fit around a 46-inch waist.
The etching on the strap isn’t as deep or detailed as adult replicas, but the commemorative belts are still very nice in comparison. Additionally, the jewels of the adult replica extend out further than the commemorative belt’s jewels. The faux leather strap on the pre-owned belt I purchased already began to bubble on some parts.
Commemorative championship belts can be purchased from the WWE Shop for $150-$200, and are a great alternative to the adult replicas for younger owners or those who do not want to spend as much money on wrestling championship belts.
Kids Replica
Kids replica championship belts use the same high quality material as the adult replicas, but are sized down for children. The front plates are made out of a zinc-alloy, the straps are made out of polyurethane (pleather), the plates are held on by metal screws, and the metal snaps will keep the belt secure around a 34-inch waist. The authentic patch is sewn on the back of the belt.
The kids replica championship belts can be purchased from the WWE Shop for around $250. There are very few kids replica championship belts available compared to adult replicas, mini replicas, or commemorative belts.
The recent WWE Championship kids replica has a front plate that measures 7.4 inches tall, which is just one inch taller than the plastic kids version. The maximum waist size is also similar to the plastic kids belt.
Adult Replica
Adult replica championship belts are the same size as the actual championship belts our favorite wrestlers / superstars carry on TV. These are made out of high quality materials, though not exactly the same as the actual belts. The adult replica belts have front plates that are made out of a zinc alloy metal, the jewels are often made of plastic rhinestones, the strap is made out of polyurethane (pleather), and the metal snaps will keep the belt secure on up to a 46-inch waist. The authentic patch will be sewn on the back of the belt.
The recent WWE Authentic Wear championship belts have much thicker plates compared to the older belts that were manufactured by Figures Toy Company (sometimes written as Figs Toy Inc on eBay). Depending on the championship, the front plates can be 4-6mm thick. The older belts had plates that were only 2mm thick by comparison, though those original wrestling belts are sometimes worth more than the newer, thicker belts sold by the WWE Shop. Adult replica championship belts range from $200-$400 depending on the title, but often go on sale throughout the year at the WWE Shop and the official WWE Shops on Amazon and eBay.
Deluxe Replica
Deluxe replica championship belts are similar to the adult replicas, but the deluxe series uses a few higher quality materials. The polyurethane strap is switched out for top grain leather with metal snaps that fit up to a 46-inch waist.
The deluxe series replica championship belts are sold at the WWE Shop and official WWE Shops on eBay for $700-$1000. Many belt owners choose instead to send their belt to third-party manufacturers to be re-leathered and re-jeweled with high quality materials for lower prices. Prices will always vary depending on the championship belt.
Elite Replica
Elite replica championship belts are similar to the adult replicas, but the elite series uses very high quality materials. The zinc alloy front plates are coated in a 10-karat gold PVD plating, the jewels are hand placed 383 princess cut Cubic Zirconia, and the strap is made of top grain leather with metal snaps that fit up to a 46-inch waist.
The elite series replica championship belts are sold at the WWE Shop for $1600-$2000. Many belt owners choose instead to send their belt to third-party manufacturers to be re-leathered and re-jeweled with high quality materials for lower prices. Prices will always vary depending on the championship belt.
TV Authentic / Master Replica

The absolute best quality championship belts are often labeled as “TV Authentic” or sometimes “Master Replicas.” These can be purchased from third-party belt manufacturers such as Wildcat Belts, Paul Martin Belts, and Figures Toy Co, and can even be officially licensed by the WWE or other wrestling promotions.

TV authentic or master replica championship belts have very thick front plates that are made out of a zinc metal alloy with a 14-karat gold plating, the jewels are hand-placed 383 princess cut Cubic Zirconia, and the strap is made of top grain leather with metal snaps that fit up to a 46-inch waist. Additionally, the leather strap covers all the metal screws in the back of master replica belts, making these the most true-to-life, tv authentic championship belts a fan can get their hands on. These belts often sell for $5,000+ and are of limited quantities.